Author Archives: Kajedo Wanderer

News from the Land – Spring Early Summer 2024

It’s a damp day out there – so perfect for spending some time writing for our Newsletter… The trees we planted on the land last autumn and this spring are celebrating the life-giving rain after the warm sunny weeks we’ve just had. The transformation out there at this time of the year always blows me […]

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News From The Land – February 2024

‘Value the marginal’  – An appreciation of the ‘edges.’ As I write this, it’s still just the middle of Feb, so theoretically still winter.  Winter here has been mostly wet & windy with just a week when snow covered everything with a beautiful glistening white blanket. The winter is usually the time when we get […]

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News from the Land – Autumn ‘23

‘Be still, and listen…’  (Eileen Caddy) While the rest of the world is warming up at an alarming rate, here in the North of Scotland we’ve had a cool summer and an unusually wet and windy autumn. And now the autumn colours paint the landscapes in various shades of glorious yellow, golden and red – […]

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News from the (Hinter) land – Summer 2023

It’s late, as I write this… and yet – there is still a golden glow in the tops of the trees and the air smells of summer…  Erica and Calluna vulgaris have painted patches of purple heather on the land once the spring’s yellows faded. June was warm and dry – the warmest and driest […]

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News from the land – Spring 2023

‘Behold my brother and sisters, the spring has come, The earth has received the embraces of the sun And we shall soon see the results of that love !’ (Sitting Bull) Finally the cold days seem to be over! (Though the gardeners in our nearby town religiously refuse to plant their flowers until the 21st […]

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News from the Land – Winter ‘22/23

Early February: Henry Frosbooke has just finished his offering of ‘Drum baths’ at the Woodland Shelter and is setting up for his part in our fundraising event in the Universal Hall tonight. With Alan’s amazing photographs, Carolina’s singing and more, we are trying to raise funds for a wee wood-stove for the ‘Shepherd’s Hut’ – […]

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News from the land – Autumn 2022

Looking out of my window, as I am reflecting on the past few months on the land, I am in awe of the beauty of our ‘golden October’. In awe of nature’s color-schemes. The ocean of yellow in the gorse at spring-time gave way to the purple of the heathers in the summer, and now […]

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Christmas Tree Event

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News from the Land – Summer 2022

As I write this the North-wind has brought a chill in the air and even though the trees are largely still green, it surely feels like the turning of seasons – the beginning of autumn. I am still hoping for a bit of ‘indian summer’, but I have packed the shorts away and am wearing […]

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News from the land – Spring 2022

The land is dressed in yellow – the ocean of gorse between the woods and the sea is in full bloom (and smelling deliciously of coconut), and the woods have put on a green dress once again –  the fresh green of new leaves on the trees. Even the oaks are beginning to unfurl their […]

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Findhorn Hinterland Trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC045806
228 Pineridge, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TB