Author Archives: Sean Reed

Dune Restoration Project Update

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Big Give appeal! 

This enables us to go ahead with the first year of dune restoration work, scheduled for this coming winter.  This involves the clearance of around half a hectare of carefully selected gorse, to create new bare sand habitats for rare and threatened sand dune species.  It will also help to reintroduce the natural process of windblown sand.

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Dune Restoration Project Update

Red-banded sand wasp (Ammophila sabulosa) Alan Watson Featherstone

Findhorn sand dune ecosystem, once the second largest in Europe, is under imminent threat from rapidly encroaching scrub vegetation. Many species found here – lichens, insects, and fungi – are found at only a handful of places in the UK. FHT is taking urgent action to counter this commencing winter 2024/25.

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Dune Restoration Project Update

The Project is moving apace, with a major focus on exploring some potential sources of funding.  We are excited to report that the Hinterland Trust is discussing forming a partnership with our neighbour, the Findhorn Dunes Trust, to apply for a grant scheme.    We have continued to work on project design, learning from similar […]

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Findhorn Hinterland Trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC045806
228 Pineridge, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TB