Author Archives: jonathan.caddy

FHT 2023-24 Pictorial Finance Summary

Sometimes looking at figures visually can be fun and revealing which is what David Hammond FHT Treasurer with the help of Trustee and Bookkeeper Christopher Raymont have done here by putting together simplified figures from 2023-24 data on the trust’s income and expenditure.  What are some of the observations that we can draw from this […]

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Chair’s Report – Spring/Summer 2024

It has been another whirlwind spring season as far as the Findhorn Hinterland Trust and the various activities on the land go.   The ‘When the Bough Breaks’ film, which starred our trustee Alan Watson Featherstone and the rewilding work he was previously involved in with Trees for Life, took place on the 16th March in […]

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Meet the Team – Alan Watson Featherstone.

How did you get so involved in nature and nature conservation? I have had a long history of developing a deep relationship with nature which I think really started in a serious way back when I travelled abroad. In 1972 when I was 18 I travelled in Europe and the following year I went to […]

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Exploring FHT Sustainability and Resilience

As a well trusted and valued organisation within the Park Ecovillage and the Findhorn/Forres  area and beyond, the FHT has much to be grateful for and proud of – its work concerning local practical conservation, opportunities for environmental education, helping build local community and providing recreational resources on the land it manages goes from strength […]

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Chair’s Report – Winter/Spring 2024

There have been times of strong winds, snow and ice on the land but now comes the start of some milder and longer days and a hint of warmer weather – spring full of the magic of bird song and new life is beginning to percolate through the air and our minds. It seems an […]

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Meet the Team – George Paul 

George is a Scot who lives in Forres with his wife Heather and has been a volunteer for over fifteen years, generously contributing to the land and people of the Findhorn peninsula through his work with the Findhorn Hinterland Trust founded in 2015 and its precursor the Findhorn Hinterland Group.  His cheerful and knowledgeable presence, […]

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Chair’s Report – Autumn/Winter 2023

The tail end of the year has been a mixture of blue sky days, wind and wet as the sounds of the thousands of geese returning to the Bay are heard.  The work of the trust proceeds from strength to strength with some new projects and possibilities raising their heads and others just carrying on […]

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Chair’s Round Up – Summer 2023

It seems a long way off now but thank you for all those that crowded into the James Milne Institute in Findhorn Village for our AGM.  It was a wonderful celebration of our achievements showing how we have been maturing as an organisation whose work is appreciated by many.  Special thanks goes to the team […]

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Dune Restoration Project

Findhorn sand dune ecosystem, once the second largest in Europe, is under imminent threat from rapidly encroaching scrub vegetation. Many species found here – lichens, insects, and fungi – are found at only a handful of places in the UK. FHT is taking urgent action to counter this commencing winter 2024/25.

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Meet the Team – Martin Harker

Martin lives locally with his wife Elizabeth near Brodie and has been involved with the work of the FHT for at least the last six years both as part of the Land Management subgroup and as a key player as one of the three main managers of the FHT apiary.  In June of this year […]

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Findhorn Hinterland Trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC045806
228 Pineridge, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TB